
When traveling with a pet there are items that if used will make your pet’s journey more comfortable and also be handy in case of emergencies.

Crates and Cages

If your pet is to be a regular traveler in your car then a cage or crate should be installed in the vehicle. The cage should be secured so that it does not move during the journey. It has been known for dogs in cages to survive car accidents where the car has rolled over and they walk away without a scratch afterwards. Being caged will also mean that they are safe and content with their own space during the journey.


Covering the car seats will ensure that they stay clean and sweet smelling for the human occupants. Old sheets, towels or blankets are ideal although it is possible to purchase seat covers made for the model of car that you drive. Anything that is washable is suitable for use although plastic backed covers can get hot and sweaty on long journeys.


A blanket for your pet to sit on is ideal even if he is in his cage. If you use a blanket he is familiar with it will make the journey more reassuring for him. Keep the blankets clean as any pet smells in a confined space can be unpleasant. Lightweight fleece blankets are ideal as they wash and dry quickly.


For pets that are walked on lead always keep a spare lead in the vehicle. It is surprising how often we let out pets jump into the car off lead only to find upon arriving at our destination that there is not a lead for him to be walked with. A spare lead is also handy in case you come across a loose dog or the one your dog is wearing breaks. Never let your pet wear his lead during the journey as it can get caught and your pet will choke while you are not able to reach him.


Always carry a bottle of fresh water for your pet in case you are not able to obtain some during your journey.


  • A small bag containing a few cleaning items would be very handy for pet owners. Paper kitchen towels have a multitude of uses from cleaning up a sick animal, cleaning the upholstery after an accident or even drying your own hands after handling a pet.
  • Plastic bags can be used to put waste in after cleaning up your pet and also as poo bags when walking a dog.
  • A spray cleaning fluid or even water in which to clean any part of the vehicle that becomes soiled. Remember that a highly scented spray can be overwhelming in a small vehicle.

Contact Details

Just as your pet should have his name tag in case he is lost you to should have some form of identity details on your person in case of accident. By placing two cards on your dashboard you can ensure that all eventualities are covered if you are indisposed. The cards should read:

* I have a pet traveling with me (name breed or type of pet).
* I have pets at home, Please contact the following person who has a key.

Also carry the details of your veterinary surgeon with you incase you pet is taken ill while you are away from home.

Mobile Telephone

Even if you are not keen on this form of instant contact by having a cheap ‘pay as you go’ mobile telephone you have help at hand if you should need it.

First Aid Kit

A first aid kit for pets (and humans) is an essential travel item. These can be purchased from pet stores and car accessory shops. With a little thought you can be ready for any eventuality when traveling with a pet.

For more information see Pets and Travel UK

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